My first blog award!! Thanks so much to Amanda at Vivalabooks for giving me this award!

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers and Liebster is a German word which means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. How sweet is that??

Here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 10 facts about themselves
2. Answer 10 questions the tagger has given you and give 10 questions for the people you’ve tagged.
3. Choose 10 people and link them in your post.
4. Tell them you’ve tagged them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.

10 Random Facts about Me:
1. I just finished my sophomore year of college
2. My major is elementary education and I LOVE it. I LOVE kids. I was born to be a teacher and a mom. I couldn’t imagine not having kiddos in my life (even though I’m no where near ready to have kids of my own yet 🙂
3. I have two sisters, both younger
4. I am madly in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ
5. I don’t like coffee, tea, or soft drinks. I just drink water, gatorade, or lemonade.
6. I am from the south. Born and raised and not planning on leaving.
7. I would pick the beach over mountains/cold ANY day.
8. I am in love with Zac Efron. And Ryan Gosling.
9. I have multiple dream jobs that I can’t do all of in one life and do them fully! Teacher, Librarian, Wife/stay-at-home mom, author, photographer…
10. My favorite color is always changing. Some days it is blue, some days it is pink. At the moment it is yellow.

Questions from Amanda:
1. How long have you been blogging?
About 11 months but only seriously for 3 months

2. Why did you start blogging?
I loved to read and read a lot anyway, so why not share my opinions with the world?! I also really wanted one play where I would be able to look back and remember if I liked a certain book or not if I could not remember.

3. Who is your favorite author?
Erynn Mangum and Karen Whitemeyer!

4. What is your favorite book?
Ah, too many to choose from! I would have to say the Miss Match series by Erynn Mangum.

5. Do you have any ARCs right now? If so, what?
Yes! I need to hurry up and read them! There’s just so many great books in the world!
The Girl’s Still Got it by Liz Curtis Higgs
The Gifted by Ann H. Gabhart
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
The Kindling by Braden Bell
Over You by Emma McLaughlin
The Undiscovered Novelist by Sarah Bridgeton
My Loving Vigil Keeping by Carla Kelly
Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor #6) by Jill Shalvis
Something Blue (Plains City Bridesmaids #3) by Dianne Christner

6. What are you currently reading?
The Girl’s Still Got it by Liz Curtis Higgs and THe Selection by Kiera Cass

7. How many books are in your TBR pile?
Ha!! This is embarrassing. I have 48 to read on my kindle, 227 sitting in my room to read, and a wish list of 442 on goodreads the majority of which I do not own. SO, there are 717 books that I want to read, and I own 275 of them.

8. If you could be a book character for a day who would you be? Why?
Oh goodness. Probably Jane Bennet. I wish I lived 100-200 years ago anyway. And who doesn’t love Mr. Darcy?!

9. What is your favorite place to read? Why?
My big chair in the corner of my room. It is comfortable, quiet, and well worn in! 🙂

10. Do you prefer Australian or British accents?
Australian! Hands down!

Blogs I tagged:
1. Thoughts from a Compulsive Reader
2. Shoopette’s Book Reviews
3. Fictionally Inclined
4. Book Reviews from a Book Lover
5. Snark and Ramble
6. Booksmartie
7. Christian Novels
8. Lili’s Reflections
9. Bornean Bookworm Reads
10. Soon Remembered Tales

My questions for them:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. Who is your favorite author?
4. What is your favorite book?
5. Do you have any ARCs right now? If so, what?
6. What are your favorite genres to read?
7. How many books are in your TBR pile?
8. If you could be a book character for a day who would you be? Why?
9. What is your favorite place to read? Why?
10. If you could live in a different time period what would you choose? Why?


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