As I’m sure you’ve all heard, some of your favourite writers including Scarlett Bailey, Abby Clements, Victoria Connelly, Miranda Dickinson, Michele Gorman, Belinda Jones, Carole Matthews, Talli Roland and Julia Williams have all given birth to festive little bundles of joy. It’s wonderful when so many friends have book babies around the same time, because that means they can grow up together and be best friends too.
To help the tots cement their friendships (and to get a bit of peace and quiet – those deadlines aren’t getting any easier!), the authors have enrolled them in the Christmas Creche*, where the ultra-capable Miss Dewey will look after them for a few hours a day until the Christmas holidays. And to keep the mothers from pestering her, she has kindly agreed to document what her charges get up to.
Poor Miss Dewey! She doesn’t know what she’s in for – these little ones already know their minds, that’s for sure.
Readers can follow the Christmas Creche short stories over the next six weeks by popping over to the creche now, where Miss Dewey has posted the first story, or by following any of the writers on twitter or Facebook.
Follow the writers to keep up with all the fun…
Scarlett Bailey Twitter: @ScarlettBailey / Facebook: ScarlettBailey
Abby Clements Twitter: @AbbyCBooks / Facebook: Abby ClementsBooks
Victoria Connelly Twitter: @VictoriaDarcy / Facebook: VictoriaConnelly
Miranda Dickinson Twitter: @wurdsmyth / Facebook: Miranda Dickinson Author
Michele Gorman Twitter: @expatdiaries / Michele Gorman Books
Belinda Jones Twitter: @vidabelinda / Facebook: BelindaJones Travel Club
Carole Matthews Twitter: @carolematthews / Facebook: CaroleMatthews
Talli Roland Twitter: @TalliRoland / Facebook: Author TalliRoland
Julia Williams Twitter: @JCCWilliams / Facebook: JuliaWilliams
*That’s nursery in North American!